i'm trying really hard to get

back into the swing of things.  It's hard.  I have a few pictures from Christmas I was going to share but I don't feel like looking for them right now.  And look at this.  I normally would've had this post done in the morning.  It's after 5pm right now.  Seriously.  My routine is all messed up.  I know it's because of the weather, Christmas and Cosme having some vacation days but this is just ridiculous.  I don't even remember when I last posted.  I know it wasn't 5:00 in the evening though.  Not only am I sitting here writing a post in the evening but I'm also having dinner while I do it... a dinner of crackers and cheese.  It's not as bad as it sounds.  We have soup but once I had a couple of bites, I figured out it wasn't really what I wanted.  I'll have a bowl of cereal later.

I'm pretty sure wedding stuff is also throwing me off.  There's a lot to be done.  There's a lot of talking, thinking and crafting.  I did a lot of running around today and when I got home I worked on a few things for the centerpieces.  And because that's not enough to think about, I've taken on another photo challenge.  It's a new year so once again I'm deciding to take on a new project with my actual camera and not just the phone... (yeah, yeah, yeah)  This time it's Dogwood52 and I'm trying to be serious about it.  This is one I stumbled across last week and it's only one assignment a week.  This week's category is Vision and the topic is Look Ahead.  Here's my take on week one:

If that doesn't scream "look ahead" then one of us lacks vision.  That might be me.  I don't know.  I want to do this challenge.  I'm determined.  (Determined to try, at least.)

It may look simple but it wasn't.  First I had to think of something.  Once I thought of something, I had to go out back with my camera.  Go ahead and and ask me... How hard could that possibly be?  Now let me ask you... Have you met Archer?

He HATES the camera when it's up to my face.  All he does is bark.

Maggie gets it.  She tried to get him to chill.

"Dude!  Calm down!"

Then she looked back at me as if she was trying to let me know she tried.  Archer kept on barking.

Then I decided I'd catch his reaction to me aiming the camera at him and following him.

He really didn't like that.

Then I put the camera down to my side and everything was fine in Archer's world.

Now I'm getting up because I don't feel like sitting here.  Oh, that's another thing.  My computer is at the desk in the kitchen and not at the table where I normally like to sit.  Let's add computer placement to that list of excuses I have going.  One day I will be back into my normal routine because I need routine and structure and organization.  This blog writing at odd hours of the day in chairs I'm not used to while eating crackers instead of oatmeal and thinking about what I missed on today's to-do list instead of what I will get done on that list is really messing me up.  I'm allowing myself to have until Monday but until then it's baby steps... Baby steps to the couch where I will plop until bedtime.