I'm pretty sure yesterday involved

a few deleted scenes from The Twilight Zone.  It was nuts.  Some drama started up with one of Eric's teachers.  It all started with me answering an unknown Houston number on my cell.  I immediately called Eric to find out WTF was going on.  After that my phone rang again with a local number.  Again, unlike my normal self, I answered. 

Guy: I just missed a call from this number.  Who is this?

Duh. What's the first rule you learn as a kid when your parents allow you to start answering the phone? Do NOT give your name.

Me: I didn't call anyone.
Guy: Well I have a missed call from you.
Me: Well I haven't used my phone.
Guy: That's fine if you didn't mean to call.
Me: NO. I haven't used my phone.
Guy: I have a missed call from you.
Me: Well that's ODD because I HAVEN'T CALLED ANYONE.
Guy: Okay, well this is [insert name].

Who was he to tell me I just called him when I KNOW I didn't?  I scrolled through my call history to prove to myself I didn't.  I almost did a screenshot to text him PROVING I didn't call him.

Second phone rule for myself: continue to NOT answer unknown numbers, local or not.

Speaking of nuts, I don't add any to my banana bread.

I made two regular loaves and 2 tiny loaves yesterday, while chili was in the crockpot and before I made cornbread.  Hey, a front blew through and a long-awaited morning in the 50's will do that to anyone.  Forget that the high probably got up to the mid 80's, it's the low that matters and is celebrated.

The roofers also came yesterday.  They'll come back to finish today.  I won't be able to see any change I'm sure but after yesterday's craziness, I just don't care.  Just do the unseen work that isn't cheap and let everyone who crosses my path be normal.  Please.