i was on my phone's calculator

and noticed this little ruler.

I clicked on it.

I had no idea it could do that.  And once you pick what you want converted, you can get more specific.

I don't know how often I'll use it but it's there when I need it.

I ended up going on my walk yesterday, big cats and all.  I usually walk three times around, which is 1.5 miles.  I was on my third lap and Cindy called.  I just kept walking, not paying any attention.  We hung up and I called Lauren to fill her in on the conversation.  I finished the lap back around to my car and my app notified me that I just completed 2.04 miles.  Look at that.  I was talking and distracted and added a whole extra lap in there.

In case you were wondering, that's a total of 328,306.176cm, 10,771.2ft, and 3.28306176km.  I think instead of saying I walked 2 miles, I'll say 3km... not because I like the metric system but because it sounds like I accomplished more.  Or, maybe I'll say I put in my 10,000 feet before noon.  People will just assume I'm confused and meant steps.