can banana bread be

frozen?  Well, I'm sure it can.  Let me ask a different question.  If I were to stick a loaf of banana bread in the freezer, would it be just as awesome if I take it out to thaw next week?

I've got too many bananas that need eating so bread is my only answer.  Cosme and Eric are going to Las Vegas and I'd rather not spend the weekend with two loaves of banana bread.  If I could freeze some, it would make things so much better.  I guess I'll try it.  What have I got to lose?  If I don't make the bread, the bananas will end up in the garbage.  If the bread sucks after freezing, the bananas will end up in the garbage.  I'll try it.

I wonder how all our dinner leftovers would hold up?  I'd already planned on meatball subs for dinner tonight so that means the ribs and baked squash I made last night will be left for me this weekend, instead of using them as a dinner on a weeknight.  That sucks because I'd be fine opening a can of chili and having Frito pies or a can of beans with rice.  I'm simple like that.  I guess it's just a menu planning fail on my part.  Oh well, looks like it's ribs and squash and meatballs for me this weekend... and maybe movie theater popcorn.

I'd planned on working on wedding reception centerpieces but it looks like I might be able to knock out most of what I had planned before then.  I started painting the book sale books yesterday.

I think I'll wear gloves today.  If you didn't know it was only paint and not dirt, you wouldn't want to shake my hand.  On second thought, you might not want to shake my hand regardless.  Today shouldn't be a problem though.  I'll get my gloves on and I don't even think there are 15 books left that need painting.  If the weather wasn't so cold, wet, and dreary, I could paint the two birdcages that are left in the to-do section.  Oh well, maybe next week.

Change in plans.

Maybe the books won't get done today.  Luckily I read the fb notification from the neighborhood page.  It's the post I've been dreading and expecting.  Someone was letting us know a black lab mix and brown and white dog were loose in the neighborhood.  Now I'm going to the hardware store to buy fence pickets to replace the ones that were busted out.  You know, the busted out pickets along the HIGHWAY.  I'm so angry right now.