I made the dressing for

Thanksgiving and everybody ate it so I'm calling it a success.

I had Cosme try it before I put the egg in and he liked it.  He mentioned that it was sweet but it was good.  I told him I remember Cindy telling me way back that Myra said something about it being good to add sugar to stuff.  That's probably why she eliminated all those biscuits and toast and went with cornbread packets, for the sweetness.  Of course I had to go and post my updates and notes on the recipe site so that I'll remember what I'm supposed to do next year.  Maybe I should also make a note somewhere that the turkey needs about an ounce of injection per pound and needs to fry 4 minutes per pound.  Done.  Now we shouldn't have to look it up next year and can just look here.  I guess I still need to make a note somewhere that it's here and we don't have to search...

I was scheduled to do portraits over the weekend and was thinking of places to do them.  On Thursday after our food settled and while the Cowboys were doing whatever that was, Cosme came with me to check out one of the parks but it's still closed from the flooding.  We still had light so we did a quick loop through East Columbia and found this building next to the Carrie Nation historical marker.

I knew we needed to go there for the portraits but I also needed permission.  A few phone calls (and hours) later, the owners were located and permission was granted.  It's really a cool building.  Peggy said it was an old post office.  I got there a few minutes early so I walked around the building to check it out.  I was surprised when I saw how pretty the back of the building was.

I wasn't going to share this pic since I'm probably using it as my photo challenge pic in a few days.

The house is also across the street from the paddling trail.  I'm guessing this is the entrance or exit?  It's cool looking and I really appreciate and like to admire nature and all but I really don't like for it to touch me... especially when I'm by myself.

I think too many run-ins as a kid with banana spiders and their webs had me a little on edge.

After Cosme and I started talking about ghosts out there, I sent Dad a text about East Columbia and Samsung expected something more exotic.

I'm sure Africa and Jerusalem have nothing on East Columbia and its ghost stories.  Please.

Oh, speaking of probably being scarred from banana spiders as a kid, I was cleaning the bathroom the other day.  Not thinking about the shirt with long tassels that I left hanging on the side of the tub (that had clearly fallen into the tub), I was a little alarmed terrified when I saw this.

I jumped and yelled.  That got my heart rate going.  If all you see is a tassel, then don't look directly at it.  Tell me you don't see a big spider.  I know I'm starting to sound sissier than I already am but let me get this out there.  Spiders don't bother me - normal house spiders don't bother me.  You show me a roach and I'll scream and run.  Spiders?  No... unless they're big.  I don't mess around with big spiders.  My definition of big spiders is anything bigger than... let's say... a banana spider.  That tassel is way bigger and fatter than a banana spider.

That's enough for today.  One of the things I need to do this morning is get out the garland to go around the front door.  I'm already going to be scared about what bugs might come out.  This post isn't helping me in any way at all.  Time to think happier, less creepy thoughts.  Oh, I'll also try to stay away from the area ghost stories that I've already started looking up.  Wow.  I really know how to start off a day.  Shouldn't the sun be up by now?