around here, when your birthday

is in December, this is a common thing.

This year, around here, this will be a common thing even if your birthday is April, June and August too.  I add April to the list because I honestly can't tell you if I sent anything up for Lauren's birthday.  I don't feel bad about not remembering because she doesn't either... unless she's lying and just wants another gift.  But I did see her in June at the beach.  Did I give her something then?  I just don't remember.  Anyway, there will also be labels with other winter creatures labeled "Mothers Day" and "Fathers Day".  Yes, I could wrap everything with the appropriate paper and tags but I need it all to match.  You know, to go under that tree THAT IS STILL IN THE GARAGE.

Fail.  I even went to the chiropractor yesterday morning to stay one step ahead and told him I was probably putting the tree up.  Oh well, so I let myself down.  I did get out and get some stuff done though.  (See the picture above.)

I went shopping to finish off a present for John.  While shopping I saw this map that I think might look awesome hanging above Eric's bed.

That means the print I bought at the art market a while back would have to go somewhere else.  I guess it's a good thing I haven't had it framed yet.  That might need to go above the piano now.

I'm also wishing I hadn't bought the gold monocle dog because as much as I love the gold monocle dog, I also found pilot dog.  I think I might get it anyway. 

Considering that would be the THIRD dog bust I would own, I might need to pass one along... or realize I have a dog bust addiction.  I'll probably just come to accept my addiction and call it that.  Most women buy shoes and make up.  I buy dog busts.  Hello, my name is Melanie and I'm an addict.

I also saw these while out shopping.  

I DEFINITELY passed.  How could they go and ruin a perfectly good Hostess Cupcake with candy corn?  That's disgusting.  I'm appalled.  Oh, and that red box of Twinkies next to the Cupcakes?  Peppermint flavored.  I wasn't as shocked with those since I accidentally bought peppermint flavored Little Debbies last year.  That's one of the bad things about this time of year, they have to go and ruin everything with nasty flavors.  Leave the peppermint flavoring in my candy.  Leave the candy corn flavoring in someone else's candy.  Sure, it doesn't affect me because I just have to simply not buy it... unless I buy it by mistake... like the Little Debbies from last year or the pumpkin Kit Kats I almost bought this year.  BLGH.  I guess though, if I'm allowed to go crazy with dog busts or getting my tree up early (or at least thinking about it), Hostess has the right to go crazy and ruin their food.

Now, about that map and the dog pilot.  I've convinced myself that I need both.  The new plan for today: I will make a trip to Hobby Lobby first thing this morning, just before I put the tree up.