I got a few pictures but I guess my game was a little off. Some weren't as great as I'd hoped. Here's one.
I played around in my phone and edited it to black and white. I think I like both.
One thing I noticed as I was looking through my pictures after we got home. Billy Duffy, the guitar player was wearing a long sleeve shirt but towards the end of the evening he's wearing a short sleeve shirt. I don't even remember him leaving the stage and we were right in front of him. Maybe I could've been more observant if I'd had a nap earlier. I guess we'll never know.
I did get plenty of rest over the weekend though. My goal was to catch up and I did.
Now that I'm caught up on sleep, today I have to catch up on everything else. That's fine because it's the perfect day to stay inside.
The weather decided to catch up on rain. I love it when things work out like this.