the flower beds are

cleaned out and ready for a few new things.  Now I just have to decide on those new things.  I think I'm going to go back to Houston Garden Center for a couple of things.  I had just about made up my mind to go with a few things but now I think I've changed it.  Here are some of the plants I saw the other day when I was there.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to get one of these .  I think I'll plant it where an Indian Hawthorne had to be removed.  I also think I'll plant Snapdragons around it.

There's something about this I thought I might want for along the walkway but then it looks so much like what I had them pull out yesterday... that thing I hated.

Then there are these shrimp plants.  I love them.  I love the color.  I love the look.  I just love them.  My only problem is they apparently need a lot of shade and the place I want to plant them is sun.  Lots of sun.  I guess I could find another place for it.  Or I could just keep coming back to look at this picture, that'd be a lot easier and cheaper.  But I just really, really like them.

I just need to hurry and decide for a few reasons.  One of the main reasons is this stuff needs to get in the ground and start growing.  Another reason is because the flower bed looks naked and the HOA has already sent an email reminding everybody that it's the time of year for everyone to start taking care of their yards again.  I wish I knew what to plant.  I don't claim to know anything about plants.  I know I wanted a Foxtail Fern (which for some reason I keep wanting to call a Bobtail) but now I think if I get one of those I'll keep it in a pot.  They say they spread pretty bad.  I don't know.  I just really don't know.  This is so much harder than it sounds.  I guess I'll start by researching the roots of a Yew since the plant I planned on a few days ago might eventually jack up my walkway.  Plants shouldn't be this difficult.  They should just sit there and look pretty.

This talk really makes me appreciate the simple things.  I think I'll start a load of laundry and wash the breakfast dishes.  I know how to do both of those, simple and no research required.