the daily photo challenge

yesterday was shadow.  I figured I'd take advantage of what could be our one sunny and dry day of the week.  I went outside with the dogs.

This is the pic I used.

On the way to that one, there was this:

At this point I realized that Archer wasn't going to go play unless I gave him a reason to.  I threw a stick for them to go after.  Archer went to get it while Maggie stayed back.

Maggie: Hey, Archer.  What you got there?

Archer: It's the stick she just threw.  I went and got it so it's mine.

Maggie: Wrong.

She went and got the next one.

I think this is when Archer didn't want any sticks and just wanted to play and nip at my wrists.  I just knew I'd wake up with bruises this morning but I didn't.  That dog is way too strong to be that playful.

I quit throwing sticks and then they just played around.

It'll be too wet for any of that today.  To make up for it, I have a little bit of bacon grease they're about to get poured on their food.  And if they're good, there's two extra pieces of bacon for snacks.  Who needs sunshine and sticks when you have bacon?