it seems like I should

should start giving myself three options since that's the one I always end up going with.  That's the one I picked yesterday, well, not really picked but was given.  Once I finished a few chores I stopped and heard something.  Rain.  No walk.

I really think I'll go this morning.  I don't think it's supposed to rain.  It looked wet out there but I don't think there is supposed to be rain.  We'll see.  My original plan was to go to the store but I don't really feel like it.  There should be something in the freezer we can have for dinner.  If not, chili dogs will have to do.  Or maybe sandwiches with leftover soup.  Why bother planning though?  I'm sure something else will pop up.  There's always that third or fourth option to surprise me.

The daily photo yesterday was friend.  I chose man's best friend.  Among the two here, I went with Maggie.  Archer is a spaz and can't seem to stand still when I want him to.  So, I posted a picture of Maggie and I even had a few to choose from.  This is why there are normally more pictures of Maggie than Archer.

Such a spaz.  If there's a morning walk today, I think it'll definitely be solo.  Wow, it's almost 7:00.  If I don't get up now, there won't be anything else going on this morning.