there are always reports

of how much happier dog owners are.  You're happier... You live longer...  I think it's time they start doing studies not on how happy the owners are but what breed it is that's making everyone so happy.  I'll tell you what they probably aren't, that's a lab mix and Australian shepherd/boxer mix.  We've got one of each and they're seriously a couple of arseholes who are on my last nerve.  Would I cry if they were gone?  Of course.  Would I be so much happier if they were satisfied being in our backyard and not getting loose?  OF COURSE.  I don't know what to do anymore and I'm really close to giving up.  We've beefed up security at the perimeter so well that now they've decided to go through the fence.

They were caught escaping over the weekend.  They picked a weak board on the front of the fence and bit their way through it.  Eric was pulling up and saw them so that was a quick save.

I was sitting in the quietness yesterday evening and heard yelping and whining.  I ran outside and saw the noises were Archer cheering Maggie on to hurry before they got caught as she ate a hole in the fence.

The only thing left is living locked up and only being let out under surveillance.  My dogs are in maximum security prison over here.  The pen, the big house, the grey bar hotel... they're in it.  For my own sanity, I hope it's not a life sentence.  I'm hoping they'll see the light and turn their lives around.  Will they ever be good, decent, law-abiding dogs?  I'm keeping my hopes up but I'm not counting on it.