then reality hit and

my celebration of spring was halted.

Yuck, yuck, YUCK.

On the plus side, my cilantro looks pretty awesome.

Cosme had a brunch burger from Sonic a couple of weeks ago.  When we decided to pick up some breakfast over the weekend and he suggested Carls Jr., I said that was fine and I'd see if they had something similar to the brunch burger.  I'd never ordered one but something about a hamburger with an egg on it just sounded good.  We got to Carls Jr. and the only thing they had was with sausage and not a burger patty.  We went to Sonic.  I pressed the button to order and they let me know it was no longer on the menu.  WTF?  It was only there for like a couple of weeks!?  We left and went to Jack in the Box.  They do have a brunch burger... on a croissant.  I got it and it was good.

When Sunday rolled around, I had absolutely nothing scheduled.  Well, I had housework to do but as far as anything on the calendar, there was nothing.  I knew there was a storm coming so I got started on chores.  I wanted to take full advantage of the bad weather so I got what needed to be done out of the way and once the sky got dark, I started lighting candles and getting ready for the 60-70 mph winds, lots of lightning, and heavy rain.  Now, I'm not complaining about anything because I was not looking forward to any hail or tornadoes but that didn't last very long.  The best part was right before the rain when it got super dark, but then everything got really still and I didn't like it.  The lightning was pretty bad but a few minutes later, we were blowing out candles and getting out of nap mode.

I got a few more chores done and then I was determined to do something artsy but wasn't really sure what.  I did have an idea.  Those daily photo challenges I do, what if I used the topic for a different medium as well?  Fine, so what would I do?  I felt like messing with paints.  I brought this out to help me think...

Then I just started messing around in a sketchbook.  One of the weekend topics was in bed.  My photo was to the point.  Here I was in bed.

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What else happens in bed?  You dream.  I wanted to get a little psychedelic with the eyeballs but the colors I had just didn't work.  I stuck with golds and silvers.  I still think it needs some crazy colors swirling in the eyeballs.  Maybe later.

It's not awesome at all but I felt better after doing something.  When I get that bug, it sticks around for a while.  The only other thing I can compare it to is being hungry but not knowing what you want. I need something sweet. A donut? No, that just doesn't sound good. A cookie? No, I don't know what kind.  Chocolate? No, just not right.  A white cupcake with white buttercream frosting?  Always.   Then after you have that cupcake, everything is fine.  In this case, the cupcake was paint.  I got it out of my system for now.  I really don't like painting but I was in the mood.  Maybe next time it'll be drawing.

So, that was the weekend.  If I keep talking about everything though, I'm afraid the bug will bite again.  That's fine and all but right now I don't have time and will be SOL.  I'm ending here and starting my weekday morning routine.  If I don't, there's a good chance I'll need that cupcake too.