I was out looking at

my plants yesterday and there's something in the cilantro and I'm pretty sure it isn't cilantro.  It looks similar though.

Here are the little baby leaves of it.

Here are the bigger leaves of it.

But look at it from back here.  The cilantro is on sprigs and this thing is a stalk.  It looks like parsley but I'm thinking it's a weed.  I guess I could smell it to make sure it isn't cilantro.

I don't know.  I opened my plant app to see and all the suggestions weren't anything close.  I guess I'll just pull it out and throw it away with the weeds.

I also used my app on these things growing on the neighbor's tree.

I figured out they're loquats.  I was tempted and picked one to eat.  I thought I was being sneaky but then realized Maggie's been eating them all along.

She spits out the seeds when she gets to it.

This wasn't the only seed on the ground...

Then I saw a caterpillar and ran inside.  My Earth Day outing was short-lived.  I think I'll stop being so curious and stick to the fruit I buy from Kroger.  I'll leave the backyard to Maggie and (for now) caterpillars.

Sure wish I had an orange right now.  Oh, I think I might have apples.  Oh!  I think the daily photo challenge prompt might be apples.  I love it when things fall into place.  It might be an okay day.