i'm starting to think that

these quizzes really don't get me.

No thanks.  I'll pass.

Totally unrelated to the bullet I dodged by not being a part of Henry VIII's court, a lot of times my dreams happen.  I feel like when things do happen and I mention after the fact that I dreamed about it, it's just like oh, okay.  Most times, if it's bad dreams, I feel like if I share it, it's less likely to happen.  I'm sharing my dream from last night.  It jumped around between people and places but there was a fire.  It was a big fire and I know my car was there because it caught on fire.  For some reason, all the people there thought it would be good to get in our cars and drive fast so the wind would blow out the fires.  I know that's not how it works but it was a dream...  Anyway, we got in our car to leave and at that point I was in Brazoria.  The fireman, who was with an EMS guy, stopped at a different house where a man was having a medical emergency.  I told him the fire was on the next street over and asked if he needed a ride.  He hopped in our car with his hose and that was that.  I woke up worrying about a fire.

Now I'm going to go rest while Little E is napping so I don't have to worry about being too tired to stay awake today.  Too late.  I hear stirring.