some of the smaller things

I got done around the house started with a shopping trip.  I didn't have anything scheduled for Saturday so I knew I wanted to hit up a few stores to find some new things for our bathroom.  I was tired of the birdhouses I'd been looking at for nearly 20 years.

I guess I need to keep the picture of Strat.

So here's the new stuff.  I was going to buy real plants but then I saw the fake ones and new it was a better fit for me.

See that stand holding bath stuff?  That used to be beside my sink, holding all my oils and junk.  I took an empty box I had in Eric's bathroom and put it in the stand's place.  Now my junk holder matches Cosme's.

I also found these little nail polish holders.  There is no way a bottle of nail polish could fit in there.  I tried.  They seem more like lipstick holders.  They don't even hold the bigger bottles of oils but at least the smaller ones fit.  I'm only keeping the frequently used oils in here.

And all the decluttering I did in the process of swapping decorations made me think of the Christmas t-shirts in the closet that were taking up valuable space.  I used an empty tub I had in the laundry room and freed up space for clothes we wear more often than once a year.

The rest of the closet could stand to be worked on too but I'm saving that for another weekend.

In the living room, I found a couple of new things while out shopping.  I bought some new dried flowers/stems to put in this blue thing.  Looking at them now, I'm wondering if I should keep the old in there and just thin it out.  Hmm...

On my last stop of the day, I picked up a throw for the living room.  I bought it thinking about the colorful chair next to the couch but for now I have it hanging over the back of the couch just to think about.  It's really soft and lightweight.

Nothing I bought was expensive, y'all know me.  I'm cheap.  I was pretty happy about that throw though and considered getting another one.  It was regularly $19.99 and was on sale for $11.99 but for some reason rang up $7.19.  I like deals like that.

Another thing I've been thinking about is switching artwork around.  I'm really tired of the birds over the fireplace and think I might put the painting by Dodo's friend up there.  I'm just not sure.

I guess spring cleaning has hit early.  Nothing is safe around here.  The boxed up picture of Strat says it all.