day one of the new

gig is in the books.  Little E went easy on me yesterday and took three naps, with one being almost three hours long.  During her first nap, I decided to wash dishes and then plopped.  I got a picture but my phone didn't save it.  I don't know why it does that sometimes.  (1 point taken from Samsung and given to iPhone) I figure that won't happen today.  I'm going to prepare myself and do everything I can think about doing before she gets here.  So yeah, she went easy on me but don't think I'm not tired.  I am.  I was tired to begin with.

I did get the dresser finished yesterday.  I was so excited to have a place to store her things and I still need more room.  Typical.  I'll figure something out.  Speaking of her things, the dryer just stopped.  I need to go put that stuff away and start more clothes.  It's already 6:30.  Time is flying this morning.