we had a threat of freezing

temps for Saturday night but I don't think it got that low.  I knew it was coming so to be prepared, I ordered these things off Amazon.

They went on easily and more important, they'll come off easily.  They're little pouches you slip over your faucet and then use the attached velcro strap keep it on.  I was excited to get them but I'm sure they're nothing new.

They're almost $10 for a set of two so I figured I'd get some.  Last year I had the faucets wrapped but it didn't do much good.

Also last week, in addition to ordering faucet covers, the dogs got out again.  I was home alone with Little E and had no choice but to load her up and go looking.  I wasn't sure what I'd do if I found them because I wasn't about to load them into the backseat with her.  I left the garage door open and back door unlocked and took off.  I didn't see them anywhere after circling the main block a few times.  I came back home to check the backyard.  They weren't there.  I couldn't let it go because I really don't need any tickets.  I locked up the house this time and grabbed the leashes with a plan in mind.  I started circling the main block again and spotted them running behind some fences.  I made a u-turn and headed back.  On my way to the last intersection, I saw them again, running full speed down the road headed back to our street.  I caught up, called their names, and jumped out with the leashes.  I'm not sure if their outing involved a dip in a lake but they were wet.  I got them on the leashes and with the baby crying in the backseat, we started back to the house.  This was not how I would've predicted my afternoon going.

I might add that while I saw the guy in Brazoria a couple of days earlier with his dogs on a motorized scooter and thought it was funny, I realized later that people were probably going home talking about that Angleton lady driving her SUV who was too lazy to walk her dogs.  Whatever.  If they would've stopped to listen, they would've heard me yelling at the dogs with a crying baby in the backseat.  I also wasn't chilling with a cigar.  Anyway, I was furious at this point, TOTALLY furious.  We made it back to the house and somehow I managed to carry the carseat on one arm with the two dogs linked to the other.  Once we stepped inside, I let the dogs know they were in DEEP trouble.  Anyway, fast forward to Saturday.  I was home alone with the baby again and Archer was whimpering like he needed to go to the bathroom.  I waited until she went down for her nap and then let the dogs out.  They kept looking back at the door to see if I was there.  I made it a point to let them see me through the blinds.  Archer wandered off behind the palm-looking plant/bush thing that blocks the latest escape routes but I was pretty sure I had the area secure.  Maggie stayed in the middle of the yard, facing Archer's direction but glancing back at me while I watched.  I wanted to test them.  I stepped away from the blinds and she took off running.  At that speed, I figured she was chasing something but I ran to the window by the bar and saw them both in the corner... DIGGING!  She was on watch and keeping me distracted while he was doing the digging.  It's like they've seen one too many prison movies.  I ran to the backdoor and clapped my hands and screamed for them to get inside NOW.  They came running back in and I yelled at them.  I'm really surprised the baby didn't wake up.  Once Paige came to get the baby, I went outside to block more possible escape routes.  I took the dogs out there with me and they knew I wasn't happy.  I'm hoping it's secure but I'm not taking too many chances.  I let them out for longer periods of time but they're still under heavy surveillance.  Hey, maybe I need a camera.  I also need more cinder blocks.  I'd also like to hang sheet metal inside the fence but maybe after the fence is replaced.  Maybe I just need guards in booths along the perimeter.

It's crazy that we thought Archer was innocent in all this.  Now we know he just doesn't like to get caught.  He didn't want to get close to that hole while I was filling it.  He can't handle the consequences.  When he gets in trouble, you'd think I was beating him with torture devices.  He's a total drama queen.  Then there's Maggie, you know, the one who hung out with the one cop to visit until Animal Control showed up to haul her away to jail that one time?  Maggie walked right over to the hole, knowing she was in trouble.  She handled being in trouble like a man and then walked away without a peep or anything.  I swear she was wagging the tail she doesn't have.  It's like she shrugs it off like she doesn't care about consequences.  She's all about doing what she wants, when she wants and having a good time, no matter the price.

So, that's what happened when I wasn't posting.  If they escape again, they might want to rethink coming back.  I'll miss them but I'm serious... until they get out again.