i didn't finish the dresser

but I'm almost there.  I cleaned it with Clorox and water again and left it in the sun to dry.  Before hauling it back in, I cleaned it with wood cleaner.  You know, I probably should have cleaned it with the wood cleaner after I carried it back in.  Have you ever held a wet baby?  That's about what carrying a polished piece of wood furniture is like.  It was pretty slick.  It still looks rough but let's face it, it's been around a while and has taken a beating from a few kids.  So anyway, after I managed to get the dresser in without destroying anything, I started on the drawers.  I cleaned and brought in the first two and lined each of them.  I had to stop there because I needed to go to LJ.

Here's a peek at the top drawer.

I didn't have any drawer liner so I went to Dollar Tree and found wrapping paper I liked.  While there, I also got a few of those little plastic bins.  You can see I have the socks in one and the hair things and nose sucker in another.  Now I just need to figure out what can go in the other three.  Anyway, that's that.  I might try to finish this morning before she gets here.  Oh yeah, today's the first day of my babysitting gig.  I think today's the day I should start drinking coffee.  I'm sure I'll be worn out by noon.  I told Cosme I was already trying to decide if I should TCB when/if she goes down for a nap or if I should plop and crash.  I also told him I plan on making dinner tonight but there's a good chance that might not happen.  We'll see.

So, I'll probably work on the dresser a little more before she gets here.  I already have the paper cut for the last two drawers so now it's just a matter of getting in there and putting it all together.  It will be nice to have a place to store her stuff, other than just on the bed.

Okay.  I'll try to get in there.  Something tells me I should do everything I can right now.