I haven't used my camera

for a couple of days now.  Oh, well.  I'll get back to it but I'm just a little overwhelmed right now.  Yesterday Maggie broke through the fence again and I got a ticket for it.

One ticket, one warning, one jury summons.
My town loves me.
Our yard guy is going to look behind the fence to give me an estimate for clearing out all the weeds.  After that I'll either call TxDOT or our state representative.  I know a state representative probably isn't the right person to call but I called before and the job got done.  I really don't feel like I should have to pay to have their weeds cleaned up.  I don't know the law or anything but I did research their maintenance standards and apparently, mowing 30 feet or so from the roadway is one way they do things.  Well not only can we not access our fence because of the weeds but we can't get out there in it because we're both allergic to stuff that's growing in it.  Everything is at a standstill right now.  We can't fix the fence because we can't get to it.  All we can do it patch it from the inside… which is about as lovely as one would imagine.  I'm trying to figure out ways to cover it as well as stop the dogs from doing further damage.  Right now I can only think of plywood, corrugated metal and welded wire fencing (attached to the wooden posts from the inside).  Since the dogs can't run free in the backyard, they're staying in the cage, only getting out for food and bathroom breaks.  Oh, and vet visits.  I went to open the cage to let them out for the bathroom this morning and Maggie can't put any weight on her front left leg.  Things are so awesome I can't even tell you.

The vet opens in a few minutes.  I'd rather not take both dogs at once in my car but I don't really have any other options.  They're both due for shots and need flea/heartworm refills so whatever.  Should I take them at once?  It's easier to take them separately but it's also hard to get them separated when one would have to stay behind in the cage.  Today's already giving me a headache and making me cranky.  I'm going to see if warm banana bread with Kerrygold butter will help.