I'm not even going to complain

about this computer being slow because unlike other Apple products in this house, it works. (I'm talking about the Macbook, definitely not trying to jinx the iPads or Cosme's current phone.)

I was online over the weekend.  I read and watched a few things on photography junk and then I pulled the camera out.  (Okay, so the 27" computer might've played a part in it too but the other stuff did me in.)  I'm taking one b&w picture a day, using the same lens, my 50mm.  (Yeah, yeah… I started something similar before…)  I don't plan on doing anything adventurous or anything, it's just a day in the life type of thing.  And since I don't tend to stick to things, there might only be one picture.  I hope not but I'm just being honest.

I think I might start small and plan for a week.  If it doesn't last that long, oh well.  If it lasts longer, that'll be nice.  So here's my first picture.

This was yesterday.  This is how and where I plan.  I need notebooks and a calendar.  Normally there would have been a laptop in front of me but, well, we all know how that story ended.  I could've come in here to the computer but there's something about the space and light with the dining table.  Oh, I was also needing to look for stuff in the pantry and cabinets so there's that too.

I was planning on going for my morning walk soon but my stomach's being a little spazzy.  It started yesterday after dinner.  I promise I won't let that have any influence on today's subject for my day-in-the-life photo project.  Maybe it'll wear off once I start moving around and doing all my junk.  That's what I'm hoping for, anyway.  Oh well, I guess I'll go find out.  There are chores to be done.