I got excited when

I signed into Adobe on the iMac and saw my purchases. That bubble popped when I figured out the link from 2013 was good for download for three years.  I’m back where I started basically. While I do have a computer I could type from, I can’t edit pictures.

I’m still on the iPad for now, which is the reasoning behind the lack of posts.

I made shepherd’s pie again today. I also remembered to put in the refrigerator. I made strawberry scones today too. They were almost finished when I realized I had one cup of powdered sugar, 1/3 of how much I needed for the glaze. I ended up whipping up some cream. What little sugar was left after the cream was finished, was sprinkled over the scones.

But that cream was pretty good on top.

I’m stopping here because I only have the patience to add one picture. Also, it’s already 6:00pm. That’s about 12 hours later than when I usually post.  I really need to figure out a new system this weekend.