can we just take a moment

to appreciate my gardenias?

I planted this shrub... I don't remember when.  It was years ago, maybe ten?  Anyway, it's blooming right now and it smells so good.

I also think my watering schedule is paying off.  The grass is looking better.  I like watching the sprinkler when the sun is coming up behind it.  I guess it's just a chill kind of thing.

What is not a chill kind of thing is when it's still dark out and I'm moving the sprinkler and come back to the house to turn it on and see a bug.  (Said bug was probably a tree roach but seemed flatter.)  What's even less chill than that is when I used my flip flop to swat him dead, he somehow flipped from the house to my shoe to MY SHIRT.  I swatted him off and killed him WAY dead, no acrobatics this time.  I ran into the house freaking out and pulled my shirt off as soon as I shut the door.  I had to get the roach cootie shirt off.  That was definitely not chill.

A little later I came in here to open the computer and started hearing a noise.  It sounded like a sprinkler's stream hitting a window.  That was weird because I didn't have it set to hit any of the windows.  I went outside to check and somehow the sprinkler had come loose and scooted its way out of the ground at an angle.  It was watering the front flower bed and front door.

Anyway, the roach and sprinkler mishaps are over and done with.  The rest of the day will be awesome.

In Vikings news, we finished.  Now we are waiting with the rest of the world.  That show is good.  I can't believe I couldn't get into it the first time I tried to watch.  I've decided though that if I'd been a viking, I'd probably be the person who walked around beating the drum.  Luckily, I wasn't a viking and I'm the person who only needs to eat breakfast and wash clothes.