did I call it or

did I call it?  I did not want to get out of bed this morning.  I'm tired and my allergies are acting up bad.  I forced myself to start laundry and make the bed.  I feel better for doing it but there are still other things that need to be done.  Wow.  I'm dragging.  I took a Zyrtec D but I'm thinking Benadryl might've been better.  Oh well, only 12 more hours and then I'll take the hard stuff.

I had a gift certificate for a facial and I finally made it in for an appointment yesterday.  I took my camera and did my daily photo.

That is always relaxing.  I wish I didn't have hangups with personal space, being touched and taking my clothes off.  If I didn't, I'd totally consider a massage.  I didn't get pedicures for the longest time because I didn't want anyone touching me.  Sure, my feet are ticklish but it was the whole touching bit that really held me back.  One day I made myself go.  It was awkward and all but I got through it.  Now it doesn't bother me and I like going but there's a big difference between sitting in a chair and pulling your jeans up to your knees versus lying on a table naked.  NOPE.  I've done chair massages but those are different.  First, you keep your clothes on.  Second, I don't know.  Maybe sitting instead of lying makes me feel like I can get up and leave if it gets to be too much.  It's like having one foot in the door, just in case.  Whatever the reasons, I'm not doing it and am limiting myself to pedicures, facials, and chair massages.  Oh, and the chiropractor.  That's different though.  The thing that freaks me out there are the cracking noises that come from my neck.  He did tell me about their office doing a customer appreciation day once and said I should come and let one of the girls do a massage.  I let him know I don't like people touching me.  He let me know it was just a chair massage.  I didn't go.

So, that's that.

I was on fb yesterday and have decided that in the next couple of days, hopefully after the yard is mowed, I need to spray for fleas.  I was talking to a cousin north of Houston and she said the fleas are really bad.  None of us need that.  I have plenty of spray but it's just getting out there to do it and making sure it has enough time to dry.  I'm sure I'll have to do two applications because the stuff's been sitting in the sprayer for almost a year.  Oh well, I guess I should schedule mowing and plan a morning of spraying right after.  This is what I'm using.

Our feed store recommended it.  We'll see how it works.

Okay.  I'm getting too comfortable sitting here.  Time to get up before I remember how much I don't want to get up and do anything.