I've been on the computer a lot

trying to take care of wedding stuff.

I went to the website where I found the bagpiper for Dodo's funeral to try and find a vintage car that could take Eric and Paige from the church to the reception.  How pretty would an old Rolls Royce be?  It's just so classic.  Well, I didn't find anything like that.  I searched vintage cars and chauffeurs and got nothing.  I thought I'd try searching driver.

No luck there but just in case we ever need a Dr. Phil impersonator...  I wondered who else there was.  They've got Sylvester Stallone too.  You know, just in case.

I was also trying to find cups.  I had something in mind but of course, I found something different that I really liked that cost more.  I told Cosme.  He replied with "figures" and then I replied, referring to the time Dodo was proud of me for picking out expensive china.

Samsung tried to take the wheel, but, no.  

Later on I got an email.  Tripadvisor confirmed what I've been telling everyone for a couple of months now.

It was online so it's true.  I need to show Cosme.

And in things totally unrelated to technology, I found this in the flower bed by the front door.  I wish I would have focused on the outer shell rather than the inner shell.  Yuck.

I'm wondering if there's a nest in the rain gutter.  I would look but I don't feel like being attacked and falling off the ladder.  I've got better things to do, like letting the dogs out so I don't have to clean a mess out of the cage.