it's been a slow

morning.  Eric and Paige went to the movies last night and we babysat.  Time out.  I don't know if I'm going to mention the baby's name on here, being all public space and everything.  I think we'll refer to the baby as Little E.  Okay, so Eric and Paige went to see Halloween last night and we watched Little E, or as it might one day be shortened to, Lil E.  They left when Eric got back from class.  Not long after they left, Little E got hungry so we warmed up a bottle and she ate.  One thing we've noticed about Little E is she has a few hours at night where she likes to fight sleep.  She finished her bottle around 10:00 and wanted to look around at things and then she was done.  She was ready to fight sleep.  Cosme had already gone to bed so it was just the two of us at this point.  She got tired of my bouncing, talking, and patting so I did what I have done a couple of other times and pulled up some classical music on YouTube.  A little swaying and a few notes of Mozart later, she was relaxing and the "I might just doze off" zone.

Just a few minutes later, Eric and Paige let me know they were on their way to pick her up.  By the time they got here, she was ready for more food and a new diaper.  Anyway, I got to bed a little later than normal so I've been dragging a bit today but nothing too bad.  That's one of the benefits of not having anywhere to be the next day, I can stay up late if I want.  As if I needed any encouragement to chill a little longer, it started raining not long after I told Cosme I was going to get back in bed.

I might go try to get a few things done now... or I might sit and listen to the rain.