the other day I pulled

into the driveway and noticed a butterfly sitting on the walkway.  I got out and took a picture with my phone.

I couldn't tell if he was alive or dead.  I don't know much about butterflies but this one seemed dead.  But why is that big body attached to him?  Why were his legs on his backside?  Are butterflies really that hairy?  Anyway, a little bit later I left and he was gone.  When I got home he was back again and in the same spot but he still wasn't moving.  I don't know.  I figured it must have something to do with all the mosquito spraying being done, maybe it's making the butterflies comatose or something.

On my morning walk I saw this guy on the sidewalk in the back of the neighborhood.

Still not moving and just sitting there.  I was trying to take advantage of all these weird half-dead butterflies and get even closer when this one decided to flutter off in my face and leave.  I guess he was fine after all.  I guess the other one was fine too, just making me think he was dead.

Oh and this is what it looks like when you think you're getting a picture of a butterfly on the sidewalk and then he decides to come back to life and scare you.

Also, the one on my walkway hasn't been back.  I guess he's done pranking me.  The joke's on him though.  I already got the picture I wanted.