i had to make a trip to

 Houston to pick up Strat's flea drops from his vet.  While paying, I saw these cat collars on display.

They're not like regular collars, they feel like they're made of neoprene or something and attach with velcro.  I wanted to get one for Strat.  Guess which one.

Did you guess Fat Cat?  If so, you're right.  Then I thought about it and it seemed a little mean.  Like, does he really think people need to be reminded that he's fat?  Does he need to be reminded that he's fat?  I don't think I need a "fat girl" necklace to be reminded of anything.  (Isn't that what mirrors are for?)  So, I didn't get it.  Well, that reason along with the fact that his neck is bigger than his head so it probably wouldn't have stayed on anyway.

Here he is watching Eric stream online.

 Here he is watching me wash dishes and eat grapes.

Speaking of eating.  Kroger is having a sale.  Last week Cosme mentioned that Oatmeal Creme Pies sounded good.  They're on sale for 99 cents when you buy 5.  Guess who went shopping?

I also managed to have breakfast that didn't include a Little Debbie.  Well, that's only because I have way too much bread on hand so I made French toast.  So I guess it was a win/win situation.  I didn't have a Little Debbie and managed to work on our bread overage.  On the other hand, it could also be a lose/lose.  I had to have French toast for breakfast and in the process, missed out on Little Debbie.  Oh well, I had plenty of sugar so now I need to get up and get moving to 1) take advantage of any sugar high and 2) feel like I'm doing something to balance out all the sugar I just had.