you can't always get what

you want, well, I wasn't really sure what I wanted, but I got what I needed.  You can't tell from there, but I'm typing on an actual keyboard right now.  I asked Eric if I could use his old laptop (it wasn't being used and was already here) and he said yes.  I downloaded a newer version of my photo software and here I am.  I'm playing around on it and trying to get used to the non Mac world.  It's a lot smaller than the 27" iMac, a lot bigger than my phone, and probably better than either.  Happy times.

I was thinking about something a couple of days ago.  I always like to stay stocked up on toilet paper.  I like for my cabinet to stay full.  On February 22nd, I had plenty of toilet paper and was making a grocery order. HEB had a coupon for their biggest package of Cottonelle and we all know I'm sucker for a deal.  I almost didn't order it because I didn't have room for that much toilet paper.  Anyway, I ordered the paper and dealt with the package.  I guess it was a week or two later when the store shelves were emptied.  Here I was, thankful I went with my bargain hunting gut and bought it.  It's crazy how things work out.

I have to cut myself off.  The baby's about to be here.  Aside from making fewer grocery orders for limited items, it's business as usual over here with all these essential employees.  I guess that's a good thing.  Let's just hope the rest of the world gets back to normal soon.