I've been thinking about

making something for a while and I finally did it yesterday. I've been watching videos and comparing recipes.

See where I'm going here?

Here's the first, a little sample to try. 

Corn tortillas.  I need more practice. I think I probably should've used a little more water, and maybe even gotten it a little warmer. I also probably should've kneaded it a bit longer.  The flavor was fine, but the texture was off. They could've been softer.  Maybe I should've let the dough sit longer after it was mixed and kneaded. I don't know. I'd already told Cosme that if they didn't turn out right, our tacos would be taco salads. 

We didn't have salads. And I just realized I didn't put any salsa on Cosme's taco.

They even passed the hot buttered tortilla test

But that's not really a hard one. 

They were a lot faster and easier than flour tortillas, except for the part where you make the dough...  I'll practice and it'll all be fine. 

It's time to get up and get busy. I can't lie here and think about tortillas all day.