i think this morning was

was the first time I've ever said I had an epiphany. I found logic behind everything going on right now. Just the other day, I was trying to figure out what was going on in the world when the coronavirus hit. Mind blown. I won't get political right now though.

Speaking of creepy things happening, I had Alexa playing 80s music while I was cleaning grout this weekend. I had to take a break at one point. I stretched out on the couch and started scrolling through the suggested things on Instagram. Alexa started playing Footloose. A video clip popped up on the IG feed... the dance scene from Footloose where they're dancing to Footloose. 

The eagle flies low at night. The eagle flies low at night.  Only kidding. (Sweat beads form) I don't know how it all works, but I'm sure they're listening through more than just Alexa. Whatever.

About the grout, I didn't finish. I think I'll finish this weekend. 

It's a process and we have a lot of tile. Honestly, I probably won't finish this weekend either. I just hope to come to a better, more evened out stopping point. 

I also made a brisket. I think it needed more time because it was a little on the chewy side. 

But it was so juicy the way it was and it had a good flavor too.

The only bad thing is, one can only eat so much brisket. I don't know how much that is exactly, but we're almost there. 

Time to squeeze in a few chores... and think of some better code phrases.