oops, it's not like I forgot

about the blog, I was just sidetracked.

For example, we made it to the Van Gogh exhibit at MFAH.  We only had to wait in line for a few minutes.  There was a stage set up for a band.

I told Cosme the Van Gogh-Goghs must be playing later.  He didn't find that as clever as I did.  I sent Mom a text about it, since she's someone who would appreciate my play on words.  I don't think she thought it was as clever as I did either.  IT WAS FUNNY.

Anyway, we got into the actual exhibit and I wasn't feeling it.  Everything was pretty and beyond anything I could ever do but the descriptions all started with Reproduction.  I was getting irritated thinking we just paid $50 to see a bunch of copies.  Then we got to the next room.

Okay, so it was a copy of a sketchbook but it was pretty cool.

A few steps later and we were there.

It was pretty cool but I didn't bother reading everything about every painting.  There were people everywhere.  Oh yeah, I don't do well in crowds.  People just poking around in no order annoy me.

I guess I'll never meet my full artistic capabilities if I have to live by something Van Gogh said.


I googled the painting when we got home just so I could see it all over the internet and think how I saw that right in front of me.  You can read more about it HERE, on the website of its home.  I especially like this part of the description:

After the actual exhibit, they had a another exhibit set up.  It was an interactive thing they had that was probably more for the younger crowd.  One thing they did was bring to life several of his paintings.

Waking up, stretching, and yawning (with tickets in my hand)... while a crowd watches.

Van Gogh in one of his rare portraits with glasses and feeling a little more feminine.

That's really all I have to show from the museum.  I didn't bother taking too many pictures because there are already pictures of most of that stuff all over the place.

We stopped for lunch afterwards at El Real Tex Mex Cafe and it was so good.  I had half of a margarita.  It was good, but strong.  We shared beef fajitas for one and man, oh man.  I wasn't even hungry going in but was miserable when we left.  It was really good.  I would link the restaurant's website here but it looks like it's under construction.

When we got home, we were exhausted.  Cosme fell asleep but I went to WC to watch the baby get in the pool for the first time.  I stayed for a few minutes then came home and fell asleep.  When I woke up, I felt horrible.  I had a sore throat from sinus drainage and just felt blah.  I'm still working on getting rid of it.  I'm taking Mucinex and it's really helping.  I'm sneezing and dripping now but my throat is much better.  I'm also moving slowly.  I'd say I'm functioning at about 82%.  That's better than the 18% I started off at yesterday.

Okay.  I need to put my 82% to work before the baby gets here.