I feel kind of refreshed right

now.  It was a busy weekend.  We kept the baby on Friday night so Eric and Paige could go to a wedding, a wedding that Eric officiated.  I wish I could've heard that.

We woke up Saturday morning and as soon as Cosme started watching some Travel Channel show where they were talking about burgers, I knew what he would want.  He eventually did ask for a brunch burger/hangover burger/burger with a fried egg.  I made it for him.

I just had a bacon sandwich, but I did get a bite of his.  I had to get a picture of it.  I mean look at it.

Anyway, I had plans to TCB on Saturday but all I did was get groceries and do a few chores.  Eric and Paige talked about us coming over today (Father's Day and Paige's mom's birthday) but we didn't know details.  We did know they were going to an event with John Cusack today and that we'd be watching the baby.  I told Cosme this morning that I better get a shower because knowing Eric, he'd call and ask where we were.  Sure enough, I got showered and mostly ready and then came the text from Eric.  Come in 30 minutes.  A few minutes later I got another text.  Go ahead and come now.  We headed over for tacos and cake.  Before leaving their place, we found out they weren't going to their event.

We stopped to check the mail and this came for Cosme from the prescription insurance people.

Neither of us had ever heard of such a thing.

I figured they sent it to him since he just had that surgery and they must have figured he had pain meds leftover.  I never got anything like that after my surgery though.  I thought that was odd.  Maybe it was done through Memorial Hermann?  Who knows.  I do know I don't have any meds to dispose of.  And why would I get rid of something I already paid for?  Next thing you know, they'll have people showing up at your door to dispense medicine at their discretion versus giving you a week of pain pills.  What's your pain level today?  Do you have fever?  Or maybe even monitoring each pill by a chip as it's taken.  Sir, we've noticed you were given 14 pills and you only took 8.  What happened to the rest?  You must hand them over.  Sounds crazy but you never know.  A lot of things seemed crazy not so long ago and here we are.  And if they're willing to give this Deterra stuff out for free and so scared of the pills ending up in the garbage, why not buy back the unused pills and dispose of them on their own?  Seriously.  Save your money on Deterra and shipping and I'll give you the meds I don't use, but give me a refund.  They can Deterra them on their own.

Anyway... after we got home, I had a little nap and it was AWESOME.  It's been a while since I just stopped and napped.  I did wake up once in a panic, thinking I was babysitting.  Now I'm supposed to be doing the stuff I didn't do yesterday or earlier this morning AND I WILL, but I just wanted to sit at the computer for a minute.

I guess I'll get up now and clean out the medicine cabinet to dispose of any pills I'm not using anymore.  Not.