I didn't let Luby's get

me down, nope.  I went ahead and made the cheesecake fluff filling just because it would be faster than Dodo's cheesecake recipe.  I've posted about this before but I never shared the recipe.

Fluffy Cheesecake Filling

8 oz cream cheese, room temp
1 c powdered sugar
2 tsp lemon juice
1 TBS vanilla
1 tub Cool Whip

Add first four ingredients, one at a time to mixer.  Mix well.  Fold in Cool Whip.  Spread on top of graham cracker crust.  Add berries or other toppings.

In my notes I had even written "similar to Luby's double-crusted cheesecake".  So there, Luby's.

While the cream cheese was getting soft, I used THIS graham cracker crust recipe.  I didn't use it all in the pie plate and saved enough to sprinkle on top.  I didn't check but I think it might be the same as Dodo's.  While the crust was cooling, I mixed up the filling.  Once cooled, I spread the filling in the crust and started to sprinkle the extra crust bits over the top.  I realized I had enough to cover the pie so I did.  My top crust wasn't as thick as Luby's but I was fine with that.  I chopped up a few strawberries and mixed them with powdered sugar so we could try a couple of slices of cake with a fruit topping.


Melanie's Double-Crusted Cheesecake

They can keep their $4 slice of cheesecake.  They didn't win this one.

Not today, Luby's.  Not today.