a few years ago I

bought a pair of Bucketfeet shoes.  I thought they were really pretty with their peacock print.  I bought a second pair soon after that.  The second pair is around here somewhere.  I didn't wear them as much as the first.  Anyway, I always wore these shoes.  The story behind the brand is that when you buy a pair, whoever the artist is that designed your pair, they get paid.  I think it's only like a dollar or something but still.

My first pair has been worn out for a long time and are now my working outside shoes.

Once those were out of the rotation, I bought a third pair.

I've recently had to move them out of the rotation.

Another pair of working outside shoes... for all the working outside I do.
Are you noticing a theme with these shoes?  Holes in the toes.  I wear them and I wear them hard.

I ordered two more pairs last week and they just got here.

This pair is similar to the last.  I think they even have the same name but just a different color scheme.

Then there is this pair.  This my be my favorite pair so far.  They are so 80's and I love them.

How could I pass these up?  I couldn't.  I didn't.  The photo challenge this month is colors so I will work this pair into a photo.  Maybe I should buy another pair while they're on sale and in stock. 

The new pairs seem to fit a little tighter than the others have in the past but I did notice one thing.  The canvas either isn't canvas or they've reinforced it somehow.  Maybe I wasn't the only one wearing holes in the toes.  I hope the new material makes a difference... and stretches out.

Oh, right after I ordered my cassette tape shoes, I also ordered a Clash t-shirt to replace an old one that disappeared.

If anyone's looking for me, I'll be in the 80's.