i posted on instagram

today.  My last post was October 16.  That was some break.  I hope it was enough.  If not, I'll take another.

I wasn't planning on it, but I got the Christmas lights up around the trees in the front yard.  There are some gaps but whatever.  I went ahead and ordered some other lights to hang from the branches.  I tried to hang a few tonight but it's not going to happen without a ladder.  I had a bit of a dilemma about what to buy though.  I settled on red snowflakes but the site kept getting hung up when I tried to check out.  I searched for the same red snowflakes on Amazon but found these instead.

Pulling them apart and getting the wires spread out wasn't the most exciting thing I worked on today.  I ordered ten and have six done.  Once I get a few up tomorrow, I'll decide how many more I want to do.  Here's a better example.  I guess I need a dance floor and tables in the front yard too.

That could be fun.  Anyway, the lights on the tree trunks are warm white and most of the stuff online is cool white.  I picked these because they have both and I'm hoping it'll blend well.  I'm also hoping to have a picture to share tomorrow.  The photo-a-day theme is lights so I really don't see why I won't have anything to share, unless I just don't hang anything.

I think that's enough for now.  I took a Benadryl about and hour ago and it's hitting me.  No more talk about hanging lights, time to focus on lights out.  I guess I'll be listening to The J Geils Band first.