The new lights are

up and the "cool" white looks more blue and the "warm" white is more cool, at least when they're next to regular warm white Christmas lights.

It might not be perfect but it'll work.  Oh, I forgot about my snowman.  Maybe he'll help everything blend.  I guess I'll do that tomorrow.  I could go back out there right now and get one picture of the entire yard (that isn't blurry like the one I have), but no.  For that matter, I could even go out there and set up the snowman.  Not gonna happen.  It's chilly and I'm warm now.  My only problem now is that all the hanging lights are run on battery and remote control.  I guess tonight we'll find out exactly how far away I can be to operate it all.  I have two more snowflake/orbs that will go up tomorrow too.

Okay.  It's time for a shower and Benadryl... and maybe olive leaf extract to be on the safe side.