I started looking at Christmas

decorations for the yard.  I need stuff that'll match this one I already bought.

If I plug this one in and don't like it, I can find other stuff and won't use this one.  I'm not crazy about how dark this one is on the bottom section but I got a good deal on it.  My plan is to put it in the flower bed by the driveway.  I found a Dallas Cowboy snowman today but I'm sure that would disappear pretty fast.  I'll stick to this stuff that doesn't cost as much and that people are less likely to steal.  A couple of years ago our neighbor had one of those projector lights stolen in the middle of the night.  Some people need better hobbies.

I'm also going to order a new Christmas tree this year.  It won't be pre-lit.  I'm done with that.  I think I might have one picked out.  I've also been pinning ideas to spruce up the garland at the front door.  I know I get started on this stuff pretty early, but it's a lot of work and I want to enjoy it.

I had the tv on the Baby First channel today.  They play little songs with a cartoon during the day.  Sometimes the songs are about learning, sometimes it's about germs and washing your hands, and another common one is about brushing your teeth.  Today they played Deck the Halls.  DECK THE HALLS.

Maybe I'm not as early as I think... or as everybody else thinks.