I marked a few things

off my to-do list for the weekend.  With the forecast we had, I knew I wanted to get Christmas decorations going outside.  I don't do a whole lot out there but every time I run an errand, another house in the neighborhood is having their Christmas lights put up.  I'll be the first to admit that it's really making me want lights up on the house but unless I call somebody, it won't get done.  Cosme's got a full schedule with work (which is awesome) and my Christmas light installation is pretty much limited to wrapping them around the trees.  Speaking of which, I didn't get that done this weekend.  With all these other people going Griswald on their houses, I feel like my glowing tree trunks are a little underwhelming.  I did do some looking around for some type of decoration to add to the mix.  I haven't found anything that speaks to me yet.

Before I started my search for yard decor, I got the front door mostly done... I think.  I added the mesh and ornaments to it this year but I don't know if I did it right.  I need to look at it a bit longer.

I haven't plugged in the little trees yet either.  I bought some ribbon and think I might add it to those.  Maybe.  I don't want it to look like a ribbon factory vomited on the front porch.  Then there's that whole I don't know what I'm doing.  I did add a little of the new ribbon to the wreath.  I think it helps.  I just don't know.

Oh yeah, speaking of Christmas, there's this.

Someone tried to open a present early and it just happened to be one of hers.  I guess packaging tape, while it's helping, isn't the answer.

In addition to all of the decorating, I did a lot of raking and filled seven bags with leaves and probably could've filled another 15 more.  I decided to stop when I stepped in something.  Now I'm tired and ready for bed.  I felt like drinking hot chocolate but didn't feel like making it.  I decided to have tea and instead of heating up the pot on the stove for Sleepy Time, I made a K-cup of English Breakfast.  I got preoccupied watching the Cowboys and let it sit a little too long.  I added milk to it so now it's even cooler.  So much for the hot drink to warm me up.  On the plus side, it tastes good and I didn't burn my tongue.

Now my tea's gone and the Cowboys lost.  I don't know what I dislike more, the Patriots or Tom Brady.  I guess it's pretty even.  If he ever retires, I still won't like him or the team.  Oh well, I guess I'll get back to searching for Christmas yard decor.  That Cowboys inflatable snowman is sounding better.
