so let's talk about those

green onions I stuck in that pot.  Remember how I said they were thriving about a month ago?  What's a step up from thriving?  Booming?  Yeah, we'll go with booming.  Just take a look at these booming beauts.

And in case you can't remember what they looked like when I stuck them in the pot, here's this to make things easier.

I might have a partial green thumb after all.  Anyone need any green onion?

We went to Shipley this morning.  Shipley is across the street from O'Reilly.  A certain song pops into my head sometimes when I'm waiting on donuts and today I realized why.  I pulled into the O'Reilly parking lot to get a picture.  Do you see it?

You won't be able to unsee it once you do.  In case you don't see it...

And why is that the second reference to The Who that I've made in two days?  Time to change the radio station.

I need to do my photo challenge.  Today is favorite belonging.  I don't have a favorite belonging.  That's way too broad.  It really depends on what I'm doing.  I have a lot of "favorites" but then it's like I told Cosme, I'm too indecisive to have a favorite anything.  I have a favorite knife for cutting strawberries but that's not my favorite knife for cutting onion.  I have a favorite candle for the kitchen but that's not my favorite for the bathroom.  I have a favorite pair of shoes for when I need brown shoes but it's not the same as my favorite black shoes.  This is too difficult.  I think I'll just take a picture of my camera.  It's late and I have too much stuff to play favorites.

I'm going to go get my picture and try to get The Who out of my head.  And speaking of having favorites, songs by The Who don't make any of those lists.