i've been

busy.  I've been working on pictures, babysitting, I've just been doing a lot.  Last night I was helping Cosme out on the computer and I looked up to see the pink clouds.

Then I got back to work and went to bed late... again.  I also overslept... again.  I set the alarm to take advantage of this cool weather and go for a walk.  I don't know what happened.  I either turned the alarm off or never turned it on last night.

During my computer helping last night, my arm started getting sore.  I put CBD oil on it and that seemed to help.  It might've just been in my head but hey, whatever works.  I'll have to remember that.

The baby's asleep right now so I should probably start working on my grocery order that has to be picked up four hours later OR I could get the clothes out of the dryer that finished on Monday.  Monday?  Yeah, I think it was Monday.

Never mind.  She just woke up.