you know those days

where you fear you might have to spend a lot of money to have something fixed when all you've been doing is paying for things left and right?  That was me yesterday and this morning.  Actually, it's been me a lot lately but more specifically, it was me when the air conditioner stopped working yesterday.  It was also me this morning when I was waiting on the people to come check it out.  I won't even lie.  When it wouldn't come on, I got a little overwhelmed and started crying a little, then the crying turned to laughing because I didn't expect anything less, and then the laughing turned back to crying because it's June in Texas and it's HOT.  No air conditioning makes other things (like hand washing dishes or weeds in the yard) seem a little less horrible.  They got the air conditioner running and it wasn't an expensive fix.  I had the biggest smile… and still do.  I'm sure I'll sleep well tonight because it was kind of a roller coaster of a morning after a restless night.

Speaking of those dreaded weeds in the yard.  This was from a post in the first part of May, when I thought about getting rid of Trugreen.

These pictures are from yesterday.

Seriously though, look at that grass.

It has to be mowed once a week now.  

Oh well.  Today turned out to be a swell day.  I think I'll make some cream horns.