today is

Monday, the start of a new week, a week later than I'd planned on start C25K, five days after I did a mock start of C25K and, I'm thinking, the day I might really start Couch to 5K.  I'm 40, female and I love sweets.  I figure attempting and bailing at 15 minutes is better than sitting around with no minutes.  (For now, anyway.  My story might change once I get out there.)

For now I need my nourishment.  Lasagna and Coke.  Yes, it's 7:30 in the morning but I can eat lasagna at any hour.  It's one of those dishes for me.  Plus, we have so much food in the refrigerator that needs to be eaten.  We have grilled chicken breasts, roast, fried chicken breasts from last night, almost a whole dish of mashed potatoes from yesterday and then there's the lasagna.  I'm not cooking until some of that has been eaten.  But wow, we have so many mashed potatoes.  I bought a 10 pound bag, knowing we never finish one of those.  I made a few baked potatoes the other day, mashed potatoes yesterday, roasted a pan of potatoes and peppers for this week's breakfasts and baked another few yesterday for anything else that might pop up.  Potato, anyone?

I did engagement pictures of my cousin and her fiance last Sunday.  They picked one and ordered their "Save the Dates".  I know the notices came in over the weekend so I'm sure she'll mail those this week.  As soon as she does, I'll wait a few days and then post a few pics on the website and FB page.

Now I'm off to finish my lasagna and decide whether or not it's too cold to start C25K.  (It's not like it's going anywhere.)  Also, I'll always have a new caftan to hide under.  (Yes, not only did my mother talk me into getting it but she also got some for herself.)