mom and i had a few

errands to run yesterday.  On the way home, after noticing one of the signs advising us to not pick up hitchhikers because of a nearby prison, we started questioning how many prisons were in the area, which ones they were and whether or not they all have farms.  We decided we would not just talk about it but do it.  We didn't bother driving to Brazoria because we had each passed that one a million times.  We started off to one we'd never actually seen and weren't even familiar with the name of.  Afterwards, we drove to Rosharon and saw three more and drove a little further down the road to check out another one.  The guard stopped us at the last one.  Mom told him we were just out sightseeing and we should probably turn around.  He agreed and informed us we were pulling up at a maximum security prison.  Oh, while he had us stopped, we asked him a few questions we had about our trek and just so you know, the units pretty much grow and raise anything they can.   Anyway...  Here's a picture of the entrance to the first one we checked out.
photo-a-day, day 87

I didn't bother listing all the names of the different units.  I just figured that would attach six different words to this blog as far as search engines are concerned.  If you really want to know all the different names and locations, email me.  I'll let you know.  Yeah, I won't hold my breath.

Mom and I were laughing at how people probably figure we have nothing better to do than to drive around and waste time and gas.  Then I started thinking, it's probably better that we live 4.5 hours apart.  Can you imagine?