i finished the yard work

well, the yard work I planned on finishing.  Don't get me wrong, there is more to do.  Not much...but more.  My arms are still sore.  I'm not even going to lie.  A lot of times (especially when cutting back is involved) I pay to have it done.  Actually there are two situations when I definitely will NOT touch it.  First, when everything is way overgrown and just too overwhelming.  The second is when the poison ivy is out of control.  Okay, maybe there are times when it's too hot and I have a lot of other things to do and need a quick and easy fix.  Anyway, it's done.  Next on the list: dirt or sand.  (I haven't figured it out yet.)

Oh, and that morning walk?  It never happened.  By the time it was warm enough for me to be out, I knew I'd better get started on the yard.  And this morning's walk?  It's about to happen.

Now I show you Heidi, one of Lauren's two cats.