graceland is

so cool... not the decor or anything, but just being there.  When you walk in the front door and look to the right you see this room.  You can't see everything because I had to get close to avoid other people.  I wanted to keep this lens on since I expected low lighting so there was no zoom on it.  What you're not seeing is a really long couch where they said Elvis would sit with visitors.  (Imagine, using the front room for visitors and having a couch to sit on at that.)  Through the front room was this music room/area.
Oh wait, here's part of that couch.  They said it was either 15 or 20 feet long.  I can't remember.
Then there was his parent's room not far down the hall.
It was purple.  Along that hall was a staircase, a staircase the public is not allowed to use because the upstairs area is a closed, private area.  They said Elvis was a very private person so they kept all his personal areas off limits.  Here is the staircase and part of the landing.
And when you look up, you see this chandelier.

Since we're still in the foyer, I'll show you the room to the left of the door.  The dining room.
There were plenty of other rooms in the house but I don't have a whole lot to share.  Some of my pictures were blurry just because of the conditions.  I still have a few more from the tour but I'll share those tomorrow.  I need to make Eric's breakfast now.