day 1.5

1.5, you ask?  that's because we drove for 36 hours.  Anyway, here are scenes from the drive to Boston.
Getting closer, already in New York.
We drove through Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama (there's a funny story there), Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut and finally Massachusettes.  That was all one drive, three drivers and many bathroom stops.  We pulled into our hotel 3:30 Monday morning.  As soon as we opened the door, the violent wind slapped us with the cold rain.  There is some bad, cold, wet weather in Boston.  To make it all better, the hotel gave our room away.  They gave us a room with one double bed... for FOUR people.  More on that tomorrow.

Here's a story from Alabama.  We pulled over at some gas station around 3:00 Sunday morning for a couple of things, bathroom being one.  There was only one man working.  He kinda looked like Santa Claus, after hanging out in beer joints and pool halls and working on cars for the last 60 years.  Mom walks in first.

MOM:  Do you sell socks?
MAN:  Socks?  No.

Mom walks on to the bathroom.  Cosme walks in for the bathroom.  I go in, stop to look for Ben-Gay then head for the bathroom.  Mom walks out of the bathroom and I tell her to ask him if they have Ben-Gay while I go to the bathroom.  Mom walks up to the counter, Cosme follows.
MOM:  Do you sell Ben-Gay?

COSME:  (to Mom) What state are we in?
MOM:  What?
COSME:  What state are we in?
MOM: What?
COSME: What state are we in?
MOM:  Kentucky.  (Addressing the man)  Are we in Kentucky?
MAN:  This is Alabama.  I think you better get some sleep before you get back in the car.

There were a couple more things that were said but since I wasn't there yet, I'm not real sure what it was.  Everything was told to me while we were laughing how messed up and crazy the man thought we were. 

I'll post more about the Boston hotel experience tomorrow or the next day.  Right now we're off to Salem and then on to NYC.