i talked about

Archer yesterday more than I did Maggie.  I also gave Archer his own day for the "starts with A" photo challenge while Maggie didn't get anything for "starts with M".  Instead, I made up for it with "starts with N" and did her nose.

To make up for that, I'll give Maggie a little more airtime.

This is the picture I used yesterday but I cropped it down a little bit.

I also liked this one.

I really think Maggie likes having her picture made.  This was another contender but it doesn't really focus on or highlight her nose.

There are always so many to choose from with Maggie.

But while I do get more usable shots with Maggie than I do Archer, she still has lots of off moments, like this one here

 Or this one.

 How can you go wrong with a dog making a crazy face?  You can't.