eric's first day of

school was Monday.  This summer flew by, probably since he had classes all summer at the college.
Right now we're just getting into a regular schedule.  It's better than the other years because he only has six classes and gets out at 1:00.  That's pretty cool.  It's even cooler that he loves his classes too.

The next two shouldn't count as photo a day but I did use a camera...
Some of the commercials for Hoveround Scooters make me laugh but this one particular scene of the latest one really gets me.  "You can even take it to the Grand Canyon."  I don't know.  There's something about those two ladies sitting on motorized seats at the edge of the Grand Canyon that always makes me giggle but cringe a little at the same time.  I know I wouldn't do it.  And honestly, I probably wouldn't put my grandmothers in that situation either.  (Just a note, yes I was watching Cupcake Wars and the girl from Texas didn't win.)

We're not allowed to use any water outside.  We can't water our yards or flower beds and can't wash cars or boats.  No water.  If you get caught, it's a fine of no less than $200 and no more than $500.  It's not like I'm out there watering everything or washing any cars.  Wait, a few weeks ago I was out there cleaning brick. Anyway, I just wanted to be humored and checked the forecast on my phone this morning.  Look at Wednesday and Thursday!  Is that a possibility of rain???  Awesome!

Update: If you are an early reader, you might have caught my typo of "Monday and Tuesday".  Blogging for the first of the week on a Wednesday threw me off.