i found a rum in

Puerto Rico and it was really good.  The only problem is, according to the company's website, it's hard to find here.  Not even the Spec's warehouse downtown has it.  While researching the Don Q website for this Pasion or passionfruit flavored rum, I did read they had some type of facility in Dallas.  This led me to believe that it might be easier to find there.  I mentioned it to my mom but I'm sure she either forgot or quit listening during our conversation.  In the meantime, I bought this drink at Kroger.  I haven't had it with rum but I just wanted to have it on hand in case one day I wanted to see what it's like with regular old Bacardi.

I just poured myself a glass and I have to say, it is "crisp and refreshing" just like the bottle reads.

Also, if any of my other family members (who maybe won't quit listening) happen to be out and around a liquor store in the DFW area, would you see if they have Don Q Pasion?  I'll even let you try it when you get here with it.