the cats were running low

on food so I stopped in at Petsmart (or is it PetSmart?) today.  Since I had the carpet cleaned in their room, and part of the prep was vacuuming Lucille's hair up, I decided I'd get her a bed.  I found a cute pink one but decided that if Strat wanted to use it, he for sure didn't need pink.  I found one a little more neutral.

She wasn't quite sure about it so I crammed her in.  She likes it.

I stopped to look at the toys.  I didn't get anything but I found something Dad needs should he ever get a cat.  Something tells me he won't be needing a catnip cigar anytime soon.

Now for the obvious.  I should be banned from pet stores in the months before Halloween.  Yes, I stopped for cat hats.  Strat is a pirate.  He doesn't like it but he's a pirate.

Lucille is a witch with purple hair (which suits her with the attitude she's been giving).  She really doesn't like it.  She got ugly with me.  There were claws and screams... from both of us.  She's so ungrateful.  I go and buy her a special tent bed with a soft pillow and she acts like that.  She's not on my good side right now.

To make up for Lucille's bad behavior and my need to see that hat/wig on, Strat stepped up to the plate.  Well, there was dragging and pinning involved but he went with it.

I really need to stay out of the costume sections of the pet stores.